We're off to a great start with our study on 1 Peter. Verses 3-12 of chapter 1 are kind of a praise song by Peter. It's all about the amazing things God has done for us through Jesus and His work on the cross. It doesn't celebrate His miracles, His kindness, His justice... just His work on the cross. Then it rolls into the next section. What caught my attention was the following verses. "15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” What's holiness all about? I was thinking about that today and then bumped into another video at The Bible Project. I just had to share it because it helps us in this study. You can watch it below and/or read more by clicking here. Comments are closed.
Jamie SellersA shepherd and his journey Archives
June 2021
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